Wednesday 29 September 2010

Getting the Greenhouse Ready for a Survival Party

On Sunday Dan is 10 years old, a whole decade of life passed by. So we are having a survival party. Fortunately we have a large greenhouse in case it rains but  we had to spend the day tidying up. We found lots of broken glass and discovered it made a really interesting material for a small sculpture. We love living dangerously.

Friday 17 September 2010

Chutney And Jam Day With Lovely Friends

Making Chutney and Jam can be incredibly labour intensive. But with friends around to chat to the chore becomes a pleasure.
Look at the fantastic colour of the elderberry and apple  cooking . Later we drained the fruit mixture and added sugar to make a clear jelly.  Take a peek at Wilderness Wigwam website for details of how to make elderberry syrup, elderberry and apple jelly, apple and tomato chutney and many others!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

winter gardening

Over the last few weeks I have planted lots of  veggies for a winter garden.  The thought of some lovely peppery leaves, dressed beautifully  in sweet vinaigrette over the next few months is spurring me on!

I am have planted such vegetables as
  • florence fennel
  • rocket
  • winter purslane
  • giant mustard
  • mizuna
  • onions
  • spinach
  • cabbage 
  • cauliflower

Saturday 11 September 2010

Elderberry Syrup

It is a hard call to make between the beauty of the elderberry and the elderflower.  The white flowers held in open umbrella shapes that adorn the tree in the spring time are followed by clusters of round black berries.
We have been told by a very sage and reliable source (Olive, over the hill!) that the taking of elderberry syrup through the winter stops the family getting any colds.
It only mid Sept and Papa Stone developed a cold. So we all marched out into the fields which are fortunately lined with plenty of elder trees and picked heaps of elderberries.
See our Website Page Home Remedy for Colds for more details of this simple and effective cure for the common cold.