Wednesday 19 January 2011

Monday 17 January 2011

Cork Rocket

This is a cork rocket.
we took a piece of toilet paper and wrapped a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda in the middle. To secure it we used some cotton thread. We pour lemon juice into the bottle then add slowly add water. Next drop the soda in and quickly put the cork in. Stand back and see what happens.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Drawing Lines

Papa Stone here - As one of my alter egos,  I teach Art. On Wednesday I found a great book about drawing and was inspired to go through our old pen pot and draw lines on a faded yellow sheet of A4. This is a great exercise to get kids thinking about line. Thickness, colour, softness and lightness of touch to produce different effects are all explored in a very simple but effective way. Give it a go, you'll be amazed at the results. It's all gone a bit Bridget Riley.

Pruning an Old Apple Tree

Today was the day I decided to tackle the fruit tree.

It has produced well this autumn and I still have some apples left in store. Although I have noticed that I am sharing them with the mice. 
There are more details and ramblings  on the website, if you fancy a peek.....