Saturday 3 July 2010


I heard a brilliant top tip for raspberries today!
I was told that raspberries which usually fruit in late summer ( called Autumn Raspberries) can be pruned differently to give  two crops, one early summer and another in autumn.
Autumn Raspberries are usually pruned in March and cut to the ground, then they grow new canes which produce new fruits that autumn.
BUT  if you don't prune them to the ground and instead cut them down to a foot or 18 inches above the ground then raspberries will grow on those shoots and be ready early summer, AND they will also grow new canes form the base which will be ready in autumn.

Raspberries are a great fruit to grow. They don't need a very fertile soil and like to sucker and make new plants. They appreciate a good mulch.
I am making a fruit garden for a friend at the moment. Look out for a page about it on the Wilderness Wigwam Website

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