Saturday 12 June 2010

Home Made Elderflower Fritters

  • Home Made Elderflower Fritters

Today I made Elderflower fritters  for the first time, and it was EASY!!

We cycled down the lane and found 6 elderflower trees bursting with flowers. In fact it was such a good spot that I made a mental note to to go back there when the berries are ripe to make some homemade elderberry wine.  I wonder whether anyone has a simple elderflower wine recipe ? Do leave me a comment if you do .

I was thinking about being more skint at the moment has made us so much more inventive and creative.  Frugal living doesn't have to mean boring, does it?  It can mean an adventure, having new experiences and having fun.

  • Picking the Elderflowers

I love the way the flowers are held together in a beautiful umbrella with a flat top.  I took a picture of a head of elderflowers in bud and one in flower because for elderflower fritters the flowers have to be open. I stuck my nose in like a bee and took a big sniff.  The smell is fabulous.  

Using the scissors on the pen knife the boy stones snipped off enough heads to fill a bag.  We did try to just pull them off but ended up with a confetti of the delicate little elderflowers as the umbrella exploded with the vigour.  Lovely but useless for fritters.

We found a lovely simple batter recipe for the elderflower fritters.. I will share photos and step by step instructions for making elderflower fritters on our Wilderness Wigwam site.. stay tuned..

Poppy at the
The Wilderness Wigwam Tribe

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