Sunday 6 June 2010

Meet The Wilderness Wigwam Tribe

Welcome to the Wilderness Wigwam Family.. we are glad you found your way here ..

Wilderness Wigwam is all about sharing our experiences with self sufficient living off the grid, living frugally, creatively and resourcefully in unison with the land.

Feel free to walk alongside us for a little while as we explore our Family Project Self Sufficiency coupled with a creative dose of bushcraft living .

Wilderness Wigwam Tribe, Meet the Tribe and our Self Sufficient Living Project Ideas, An Introduction to Who the Wilderness Wigwam Family is & Why Self Sufficient Living is Important to us as a family

We have started a Wilderness Wigwam Website to document and share of our experiences, our travels, our joys and tribulations of exploring Living in Unison with the Land.

off on a hike ..
The Wilderness Wigwam Tribe

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